Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement

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Woodlands Academy EDI Statement 2024 – 25



Woodlands Academy, part of the Cabot Learning Federation (CLF), recognises, and celebrates diversity, including that which exists within our student and staff populations and the communities we serve. We are committed to advancing equal opportunities for all and eliminating discrimination on any basis, including disability, ethnicity, sex, gender reassignment, age (except pupils), marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, sexual orientation, and religion or belief (defined as Protected Characteristics) so that equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) underpin all we do.

Commitment to Equalities Act 2010

We recognise the following duties under the Equality Act 2010:

• Eliminating discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act

• Advancing equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it

• Fostering good relations across characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it

• Regardless of the statutory responsibilities the CLF recognises the positive impact that a cohesive and inclusive EDI strategy can achieve.

EDI Work and Successes

Woodlands Academy holds a long and deep commitment to welcoming diversity, examples of which are demonstrated on a day-to-day basis throughout the Academy. The culture of Woodlands Academy has supported the aim to positively encourage EDI. Our specific diversity related achievements include:-

·       The curriculum teaches children through key concepts within local and global contexts and for example, as geographers or as people who are religiously conscious, or as historians, and this has ensured our children (aged 3- 11) have had regular opportunities to begin understand their diverse world.

·       Opportunities are within the curriculum to learn about cultural and religious customs and festivals, including local trips and guest speakers.

·       Pupils are given equal opportunities and are actively encouraged to have a strong voice and are given the opportunity to be agents of change across the academy.

·       The academy takes into account EDI in results monitoring and assessments.

Throughout the academic year 2023-24, we have worked to:

·       Improve our PSHE offer moving back to using the Jigsaw PSHE scheme which has annual units considering ‘Being Me in My World’ and ‘Celebrating Difference’ to help children understand who they are and how they fit into our increasingly diverse world.

·       Make conscious assembly choices covering religious festivals, diversity, equality, inclusion and British Values considering what these look like in action

·       Gain a Young Carers Award developing and improving our school offer for this potentially vulnerable group. Activities have included staff training, gaining pupil voice, setting up and creating a supportive group, assemblies, learning support and having a Young Carers Lead

·       Continue work on effective communication and wider community focused projects. We are represented in the group following the merge of the Stockwood Alliance with Bristol Charities, we actively sign post our families to local events and clubs and work with our local church groups, Avon Wildlife Trust, Bristol Avon Rivers Trust and local councillors. This has allowed us to develop better support for the local area and a greater understanding of the strengths and areas of need of our community.


Objective/Actions for 2024-25

The pursuit of the EDI agenda is a continuous process and our next objectives are:-

·       Make specific references to EDI across the curriculum giving meaningful examples to raise awareness, secure tolerance and celebrate difference

·       Provide a greater sense of belonging for all through assemblies, the curriculum, the continuation of the Young Carers group, Family Link Worker drop-ins and capitalizing on opportunities available to the school through the trust

·       Extending curriculum opportunities to engage with schools within the area to engage pupils with other pupils of the similar age but different backgrounds.

·       To raise the attainment of pupils who are financially disadvantaged (pupil premium).

·       Ensure routes of communication are easily accessible for all including reviewing our information sharing practices

Closing Statement

At Woodlands Academy we are committed to building a diverse, equitable and truly inclusive academy.

We will proactively be addressing these to the best of our abilities, whether this be in respect of recruitment, the curriculum or culture


•                    Through the implementation of transparent policies, practices, and procedures.

•                    Through appropriate training, development and experiences of all parties involved.

•                    Through promoting these principles across the curriculum.


At Woodlands Academy we recognise that supporting a diverse organisation is a continuous process where long term and sustainable plans are key.


We recognise that attracting, advancing, developing, engaging and retaining a diversity of talent is important; alongside delivering equity of opportunity for our students, staff and families whilst fostering an inclusive culture where differences are valued and enhanced. This is a continuous process where long term and sustainable plans are key.

Lisa Craig


28th September 2024

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Woodlands Academy
Whittock Road
BS14 8DQ
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Woodlands Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590