Detailed below are the arrangements for ensuring that the aims and objectives of the academies Health and Safety Policy are implemented, to secure a safe and healthy working environment.
The Academy needs to ensure the guidance fits the Academies policies, procedures if it is to be appropriately used.
Law Poster
The Health and Safety Information for Employees Regulations requires the Academy to display an approved law poster in a prominent position or to provide each of their employees with an equivalent leaflet. The poster or leaflet outlines health and safety law and explains what both employers and employees must do to keep the workplace safe. Contact details are also provided if employees want advice or have concerns about their safety at work. The law poster is displayed in the medical/photocopier room down the staff corridor.
Accident Reporting, Recording and Investigation
- All major and RIDDOR accidents must be reported to the Operations manager who will inform SLT.
- All accidents should be recorded using the online accident reporting system. This is available from the CLF home navigator page and by clicking the accident reporting tile.
- Any accidents which are reportable under the Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) will be actioned by Lisa James (operations manager) and will alert their H&S officer.
- Student/staff and visitor accidents are recorded either by staff dealing with the accident or a first aider. Every employee has a duty to ensure all accidents are recorded,
- Fatal injuries/major injuries/ dangerous occurrences must be reported immediately to Jo Crickson (Head of Health and Safety), or your H&S officer and an accident form completed. Parents / carers or other persons should be notified of the student’s accident.
- Details of all accidents, and statistics are brought to the attention of the Academy health and safety committee, where they are discussed, and trends can be identified. If required, measures to prevent reoccurrence will be implemented.
- ‘Near misses’ need to be recorded and these will be reported to the operations manager via the online system. A near miss being anything that had the potential to cause injury but didn’t on this occasion. Any near misses that occur that are serious and dangerous or had the potential to cause serious harm must be reported through to Jo Crickson (Head of Health and Safety) or your H&S officer.
- If necessary, an accident/ incident investigation will be carried out by the Principal and/or Operations Manager. This is to find the cause of the accident/ incident and reduce the risk of it happening again. In some cases, this will be followed up by a member of the Health and Safety team
- The asbestos survey is located in the asbestos folder in the staffroom
- Key staff Justin Underhill will have attended Asbestos Awareness Training and have / will undertake regular refresher training.
- All contractors arriving to work on site will have a mini-induction delivered by premises team before work commences. They are also required to sign and confirm they have seen the asbestos register in relation to the area they will be working in or the activities they will be undertaking.
- All required permit to works will be issued by Site Manager
- An asbestos management plan is located with the logbook in the asbestos folder in the staffroom.
- The contractors signing in logbook is located in Reception.
- Staff responsible for monitoring and inspecting asbestos containing material are Justin Underhill and Kelly Spencer.
- All staff must report any damage to identified areas immediately to Lisa James and Karen Williams.
- If asbestos is damaged the area will be sealed off immediately and locked to prevent unauthorised access – Follow the Emergency procedures as outlined in the Asbestos Policy.
- Location maps of asbestos containing material is in the asbestos folder in the staffroom.
- Before any intrusive works to the fabric of the building are undertaken a Refurbishment / Demolition (R & D) asbestos survey is required. Our CLF asbestos specialist Karen Wiliams should be consulted before any work commences. The survey will be fully intrusive and involve destructive inspection, as necessary, to gain access to all areas including those that may be difficult to reach.
Please refer to the Asbestos Policy for further advice and guidance
Contractors and Visitors
- All visitors and contractors must report to the main office. They will sign in and be given an identity / visitors’ badge, firstly determining what DBS status they have and a health and safety information leaflet. Sign in could be via the inventory system.
- On leaving the site they will be required to sign out. If contractors have undertaken any work this should be discussed with premises team/ operations manager and further actions outlined.
- If contractors are selected by the academy to carry out works, they must ensure that they are selected from CLF approved contractors list. If the chosen contractors are not on the list, the Academy will ensure that contractors go through the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire Process PQQ, in order to be evaluated and added to the list, before works commence on site.
- The list is regularly updated and is filed by the site manager. It can also be found in the CLF estates team area on SharePoint.
- In the unlikely event of any works being undertaken (usually urgent works) by a company who has not gone through the PQQ process, the Academy should seek the advice of the Estates Team or Health and Safety department who will ensure the contractor is competent by way of questioning:
- Essential safety matters must be agreed in writing by way of risk assessments and method statements, and extra care taken in assessing competence and defining the work. Before the contract is placed, there may need to undertake pre-contract investigations / discussions based on the work, such as asbestos surveys, ground surveys, etc.
In addition, when contractors arrive on site to commence work the Academy will ensure the following:
- That all relevant staff will be informed of the works being carried out and the areas that are likely to be affected, as well as the duration and timing of the works.
- Contractors will sign the (CAW) Contractor Authorisation to Work form. A copy will be provided to the contractor.
- Any changes to the work activities will be discussed with the principal, premises staff and or Operations Manager. Any changes affecting timing, or health and safety will be looked at and action taken, where necessary.
- Any contractors, sub-contractors or self-employed persons must be provided with and familiar with any local safety rules, as well as the schools Health and Safety Policy.
A contractor’s performance is monitored during their works and if staff or contractors believe there to be a detrimental effect to health and safety, appropriate corrective action or improvement to procedures is taken. The emphasis must be to stop any unsafe activity until the academy are satisfied with the health and safety practices or procedures.
Hot Works
- Specifically hazardous works e.g., ‘hot work’ is governed and monitored via a ‘Hot Work Permit’ between the academy and contractor. The estates team need to be notified and the appropriate hot works forms completed and sent to the estates administrator so our insurers are notified and can provide the additional insurance arrangements.
COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health)
- An inventory of all hazardous substances used on site is compiled and reviewed regularly.
- All regularly used products will have material safety data sheets (MSDS) to accompany each product.
- The arrangements for the delivery of hazardous substances to the Academy are managed by Justin Underhill and Kelly Spencer (caretakers).
- Deliveries of hazardous substances are planned for outside the Academy academic hours and are stored in the downstairs cleaners’ cupboard down the staff corridor.
- Any new products that are brought into the academy that have a hazard warning symbol and there is a ‘significant’ risk of harm from the product in its use, miss-use, quantities or storage will require a risk assessment to be undertaken. Findings from risk assessments must be shared with relevant staff e.g., PPE required/ safe storage. A COSHH risk assessment template is available within the Health and Safety manual on CLiF
- If applicable, cleaning contractors are expected to have their own COSHH procedures and arrangements that will dovetail into the academy’s arrangements.
- An inventory is kept on academies database of all hazardous substances on site by department and operations manager.
- Any decanted substances should clearly display the product name, information, dilution rates and safety information.
- If applicable, the Science, D & T and Art departments will have their own departmental procedures and arrangements for the storage, use, handling and production of hazardous substances. Reference should be made to Science, D&T or Art Health and Safety Policies
Radioactive Sources
Defect Reporting Procedures
- All staff have a responsibility for their own and others health and safety and are therefore responsible for ensuring that any defective, damaged, poorly maintained or untested equipment is brought to the attention of Justin Underhill, Kelly and Rich Palmer so that remedial action can be taken.
- The system used for defect reporting is PARAGO. A link is available via the CLF navigator page.
- Any faulty equipment must be taken out of use and if appropriate isolated and labelled ‘Do not use’ and reported via the systems outlined above.
Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
- The Academy has a duty to undertake risk assessments of the Display Screen Equipment workstations of staff who habitually use a computer or laptop. A definition of a ‘A user’ is defined under the DSE regulations. There are many criteria however a member of staff who uses display screen equipment, for continuous periods of time and regularly (daily) would be determined as a user e.g., Admin staff, Operations manager.
- For ‘users’ a DSE assessment (self-assessment) should be carried out and discussed with their line manager and further actions discussed and recorded.
- DSE assessments will be reviewed every two years; or where equipment changes, or office layouts change or when there are staff changes.
- Those staff identified as DSE ‘users’ shall be entitled to an eyesight test for DSE use, every 2 years by a qualified optician. If corrective lenses are advised by the optician, please speak with your operations manager for further advice.
- For further information, and a copy of the user risk assessment, with managers sign off form please refer to the CLF DSE user guidance available on CLiF
E-Safety is recognised as an essential aspect of strategic leadership in the Academy. The Principal, will ensure safe practices are embedded into the culture of the academy. The principal ensures that the E-safety Policy is implemented and compliance with the policy is monitored.
Electrical Equipment (Fixed and Portable)
- Any electrical faults should be reported immediately to the Operations Manager, premises manager, or through the Parago online reporting system. Any faulty fittings (e.g. cracked sockets etc.) should be isolated and labelled for repair.
- Portable appliance testing is carried out by qualified electricians or competent staff.
- Portable appliance testing is carried out annually
- Staff have been informed that they should not bring electrical items in from home unless they are new, or a recent portable appliance test (PAT) has been undertaken.
- The PAT register is kept in the PAT Testing file in the Staff Room. During the testing, all defects are either repaired or removed, labelled defective and stored in a secure area.
- The fixed electrical installations are inspected every five years.
- Electrical socket outlets must not be overloaded. Staff must have a basic understanding of electrical safety to ensure they do not overload electrical circuits.
- Where it is necessary to use extension lead this must be only as a temporary measure. Extension leads should be fully unwound.
- Hirers of the school’s facilities / rooms, contractors and visitors must ensure that any electrical equipment they bring into the Academy must have an appropriate portable electrical test and be safe to use. Random checks of electrical equipment may be required to ensure compliance with this arrangement.
Expectant or new mothers
Should any of the academy’s staff become a new or expectant mother the Academy will take steps to ensure their continued health and safety at work. A new and expectant mothers risk assessment will be completed and recorded with ‘one to one’ discussion. This will be continually monitored throughout the pregnancy and after a return from maternity leave.
Fire and Emergency Procedures
- The Academy has separate Fire Guidance.
- The responsible person is Lisa Craig
- The assembly point(s) is the playground
- Fire wardens are often teaching staff however they may be staff from specific departments. (amend as applicable).
The roles and responsibilities of fire wardens are provided in a separate document and have been provided to relevant staff.
- A list of Fire Wardens can be found in the medical room
- Fire warden training has been provided by Nimble
- All staff must complete the statutory Fire Awareness training on Nimble every 3 years.
Each week the alarm will be tested by Justin Underhill to ensure that it is effective. Manual break glass points from different zones should be used to trigger the alarm to ensure that all break glass or other points are in working order. Details should be recorded in the fire logbook.
- Planned fire drills must be carried out at least three times a year to enable everyone to become familiar with the evacuation procedure. The first evacuation should be carried out in September to capture new staff/ students at the academy. Details should be recorded in the fire logbook. The fire extinguishers and emergency lighting are formally inspected annually by Justin Underhill weekly and monthly checks should be undertaken by the premises manager/ premises team. Details should be recorded in the fire logbook.
- The fire logbook is kept in the staff room. Full and detailed records are kept of evacuations; call point testing, alarm system servicing, firefighting equipment checks etc.
- Operations managers are required to review the success of fire drills and must feedback any observations or required changes/improvements.
- Any person who has difficulty in evacuating the building, should have a PEEP 9 personal emergency evacuation plan) undertaken.
- Emergency exit routes have clear pictorial signage.
- Emergency exit routes should be free from obstructions.
- Fire exit doors should be routinely checked to ensure integrity in the event of a fire and push bars and mechanisms work to allow for easy egress of site.
- Final exit doors must be unlocked whilst there are people in the building.
- The use of display materials or student’s work along emergency exit routes should be controlled/ minimised.
- Decorations, display materials or student’s work must not be placed near temporary heaters, suspended light fittings or obscure fire signage, exits or call points.
- All visitors spending any length of time in the Academy should be made aware of emergency evacuation arrangements in the event of a fire.
- The location of mains isolators and explosive substances such as gas supply pipes, butane gas cylinders, highly flammable substances should be known and recorded on the Fire Risk Assessment and the Critical Incident Plan.
- Should the emergency fire services attend the Academy in the event of a fire, the Responsible person must be informed of all relevant information.
- The fire authority should be made aware if any persons are not accounted for, location of asbestos containing materials, chemical storerooms, gas and electricity supply.
If you discover a fire: –
If your academy uses a delayed activation system e.g. Two/three minutes investigation time before alarm sounds, amend the arrangements accordingly.
- Activate the nearest fire alarm call point. On sounding the alarm, the fire brigade will be summoned.
- All staff, pupils and visitors must leave the building immediately. Assembly point(s) have been designated and all staff must ensure they know the location of the assembly point.
- Nominated persons (Fire Wardens) carry out any previously arranged duties, such as visually checking a particular area while on their way to the assembly point.
- Report to the person in charge at the assembly point and provide them with all relevant information about the location, nature of the fire and if there are any persons still in the building.
Action on Hearing a Fire Alarm
- Teacher or responsible adult will supervise children leaving the building by appropriate exit
- Proceed to assembly point in the playground
- Walk quickly – Do not run
- Keep calm
- Do not stop to collect any personal belongings
- Registers will be taken to the assembly points by Claire Christoforou and Jackie Burke and distributed to teachers for roll call
- If the fire brigade has been called there must be clear access to the site by emergency services
Please refer to the Fire Guidance and Fire Procedures for further advice
11a. Lockdown
The academy has a lockdown alarm system or hand bell to alert staff, students, visitors and contractors of a lockdown and practices are undertaken.
Please refer to your lockdown procedure for further guidance
First Aid
- The details of the First aiders who holds the nationally recognised qualifications are displayed in the medical room. These named persons are qualified to administer first aid to casualties.
- Notices giving details of whereabouts of first aid facilities will be displayed at appropriate sites. The First Aid room is down the staff corridor by the main school office, downstairs KS2 classroom and Senior Leadership office.
- First aid boxes are located in the following points:
One in each classroom, in the medical room and one in the SLT office that is used by the lunchtime team.
- Claire Christoforou ensures that there are sufficiently stocked first-aid boxes and they (or another nominated person) ensure that the contents of the first-aid boxes are replenished and are in date as and when necessary. First aid boxes do not contain any medication, tablets creams or ointments. Class teachers replenish their first aid bags as necessary after trips or when needed.
- If the first aider or Principal considers it necessary, the injured person will be sent directly to hospital (normally by ambulance). Parents and/or carer’s will also be informed. No casualty should be allowed to travel to hospital unaccompanied and an accompanying adult will be designated in situations where parents/guardians cannot be contacted.
- The procedure for the completion of incident/accidents records will be followed. (See Accident, Reporting, Recording and Investigations arrangements)
Please refer to the First Aid Policy for further advice and guidance
Glass and Glazing
All academies should refer to the model Glazing Risk Assessment available on CLiF and have had an initial glazing survey to determine that the standard of glazing is compliant in critical locations. (amend your arrangements as applicable)
On the regular academy formal walk rounds, the condition of glazing and visual inspection should form part of this.
If there any concerns with the condition of glazing or if it is safety glazing or requires to be, a glazing survey must be arranged, via the estates team.
Infectious Diseases
- Reference the latest UKHAS ‘Guidance on infection control in schools and other childcare setting’ and other guidance can be viewed and downloaded following the link below. A copy of this guidance is held in the medical room.
- There is specific guidance on infectious diseases and the control measures required in educational settings which can be found:
- facilities/managing-specific-infectious-diseases-a-to-z
- We follow the CLF model risk assessment template on infection control (including Covid) and amend/ adapt accordingly. For further advice contact your local public Health Team and your H&S officer, contacts are within the RA.
- If the academy has an increase in the number of infectious diseases cases, XXXX will call the local Public Health England Centre to seek further advice and if required complete a UKHAS Integrated Care Pathway document.
- When dealing with bodily fluids our academy has spill kits (Biohazard disposable packs Theses are held in the First Aid Room and cleaner cupboard in the staff corridor.
- Colour coded mop heads, dustpan and brush and PPE are available cleaning cupboard.
Please refer to the Health & Safety manual infection control for further information and guidance.
Woodlands Academy does not have a kiln onsite.
- All lettings must be approved by the Leisure and Lettings Manager and where appropriate the Academy Principal.
- Conditions for lettings are set out on the CLF Leisure and Lettings Terms and Conditions which must be completed and signed by the hirer.
- Details of the academies emergency contact details are provided to the hirer- staff are on shift to direct customers to this.
- Emergency procedures and arrangements are in place and both parties must be aware of individual responsibility in the event of an emergency.
- Hirers risk assessments may be requested.
- Adequate insurance is required from all clubs who hire – not all groups who hire will have insurance (we have many groups who are friends playing sport for fun)
- The hirer must inform the academy of any damage, equipment failure or faults with the fabric of the building.
- Accident/ incidents and near misses must be reported using the online system.
Please refer to the Lettings Policy for further advice and guidance
Lone/ Remote Working
- The Academy has recorded a lone working risk assessment. Please bullet point below your control measures e.g. No working at height whilst working alone/ reporting system/ buddy system, staff working in school holidays-what are the arrangements
- The lone working guidance can be found in Share point where all staff have access.
Manual Handling
Staff must: –
- Staff are required to assess any unsafe / hazardous manual handling operations.
- If the initial assessment highlights concern e.g. too heavy for a one-person lift, then relevant control measures should be adopted e.g. two persons/ use of trolley etc.
- A manual handling risk assessment should be carried out and recorded on all those handling activities that may pose a risk of injury to Academy staff and for those that regularly undertake manual handling.
- Staff must ensure they are physically capable of safely completing a manual handling task
- Expectant mothers must undertake manual handling activities in a safe manner and work in conjunction with their pregnant mother’s risk assessment.
- Staff who have applicable medical conditions or have recently received surgical operations should discuss activities of manual handling with their line manager if they have concerns.
- When staff are required to handle goods (stock, furniture) that may be hazardous, they must must have received suitable and sufficient training, know how to carry out safe manual handling including good handling technique, use mechanical aids whenever possible, undertake team manual handling when required. Training available on Nimble
- Those staff that administer medication have attended the administering medications training and those staff are Claire Christoforou, Lisa Craig.
- The procedures for supporting students with medical needs can be found in SharePoint where all staff have access.
Please refer to the Supporting Student’s with Medications Policy for further advice and guidance (academy to add own signed off policy)
Play Equipment
Gym Equipment
- All staff should check the PE apparatus before use.
- Faults or defects to equipment will be reported via PARAGO
- Any damaged equipment will be taken out of use
- The PE equipment is inspected annually by staff and a record of the inspection is kept in the sports safe and any remedial actions must be undertaken in the relevant time frame
- The Academy has a risk assessment for the gym activities and equipment.
Outdoor play equipment
- External play equipment will only be used when supervised within academy hours
- Academy to include their local controls for before and after academy use including the use by siblings
- Such equipment will be checked daily (before use), and monthly by Justin Underhill for any apparent defects and particularly for contamination by animals or foreign objects
- The outdoor play equipment is inspected annually and independently, by ROSPA and a record of the inspection is kept in Premises Logbook and outcomes from the report are actioned within the specified time period.
- The Academy has a risk assessment for the outdoor activities that includes the play equipment.
- Playground equipment rules are explained to pupils and reinforced when appropriate.
Personal Protective Equipment
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be provided free of charged where is it is identified as a control measure.
- The equipment needs to be fit for purpose and appropriate with other PPE.
- The Head of Department or Line Manager is responsible for periodic checking of the equipment and for ensuring the equipment is worn by the employee or pupils when required.
- Technicians to ensure that PPE e.g., aprons are cleaned regularly and googles are clean and in good condition.
- Staff members are responsible for ensuring that they use PPE where it is provided.
- Suitable and sufficient signage will be displayed for the use of PPE.
- Pupils will be provided with information, instruction and supervision when there is a requirement to wear PPE as a control measure.
Risk Assessments
- Risk assessments are completed for all activities where there is a foreseeable risk of injury or harm occurring.
- Risk assessments are available for staff to view and are held on the shared drive and in a folder located on SharePoint.
- Blank risk assessment forms can be found on CLiF CLF Risk Assessment – Template v3.docx
- Each department should have a copy of the risk assessments relevant to them and these should be readily available to all staff
- Staff are involved in the adoption, implementation review or amendment of risk assessments.
- All staff must make themselves aware of the risk assessments applicable to their roles and activities. They must highlight any requirements for a review, amendments or additions to risk assessments with their line manager.
- Risk assessments will be reviewed annually as a minimum or after significant change or incident.
- A specific risk assessment for expectant mothers will be undertaken.
- All Academy trips or learning outside the classroom activities will have recorded risk assessments. (See Academy trips section).
- Every off-site visit taking place after Academy hours, of a medium/high risk or for residential will be specifically assessed.
- In some instances, an individual pupil risk assessment may be required. These should be developed in conjunction with the Academy SENCO and DSL.
- The procedure to undertake and training in Risk Assessments are available within the H&S manual on CLiF and within NIMBLE.
- Procedure-Management-of-Risk-Assessment V4.docx
- The Academy Council fully recognises its responsibility under the Education Act 2011 and the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and to work together with other agencies to ensure adequate arrangements within our Academy to identify, assess, and support those children who are suffering harm.
- The Academy has a Safeguarding Policy that was last reviewed on September 2023.
- The Academy DSL is / team are Lisa Craig, Mike Rylands and Lianne Sheldon.
- The Local Authority Designated Safeguarding Officer is Nicola Laird
- The Multi-Academy Trust Designated Safeguarding Officer is Steve Bane
- All staff have received annual routine safeguarding training and information.
Academy Trips/off site activities
The Academy has an Academy Trips Procedure which is based on the CLF and OEAP (Outdoor Education Advisory Panel) trips guidance within EVOLVE, that was last reviewed March 2024.
The named competent person nominated an as Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC) is Dan Feaster For further information on the role of the EVC and their functions please see Educational Visits Coordinator | ( and search EVC (3.4j)
- Activities will be led by Group Leaders who will take responsibility for ensuring that where necessary pre-site visits are made, and they will complete the necessary risk assessments before departing. Relevant training should be completed for this role, and is available from
- The Academy uses the EVOLVE on-line system for all Academy trips. .The person arranging the trip (Group Leader) will update EVOLVE with all arrangements for successful management of the trip. The EVC will be provided via Evolve and verbal discussion from the group leader, with all relevant information and risk assessments for Academy trips or off-site visits. They will review all stages and planning of the trip, from Transport to activities etc. Once happy they will submit to the Principal for check and sign off.
- For Category C trips the Principal will ‘sign off’ the trip. (Reference to the Schools Trip Procedure should be made.)
- Category C trips (adventurous, residential or overseas) are automatically sent to the Health and Safety Officers via Evolve for approval (this only pings through once the principal has signed off the trip) The Health and safety team require at least six weeks before the trip is due to take place to process the final approval. This will mean your timelines for initial approval, planning completion of Evolve etc. and final approval to sign off by the principal will need to be longer.
- Student’s will be briefed about the off-site visit, together with expected behaviour rules. Depending on the category of trip, parent meetings will take place.
- All applicable Staff will be fully briefed about the off-site visit and have received and understood ALL the risk assessments that are in place.
- Adequate staff to student ratios will be assessed.
- Individual pupil risk assessments will be undertaken where applicable-Parental consent for all trips will be requested as applicable
- Parents/ carer’s will receive relevant information about the off-site visit and the requirements of the parents/ carers to provide suitable and sufficient clothing, refreshments or other facilities.
- Advice from the SENCO/ DSL is sought if applicable for individual pupils.
- Volunteers on any off-site visits will be provided with a briefing of their roles, safeguarding issues and be provided with relevant information from the risk assessment, or a copy of the risk assessment.
- All volunteers and staff will be DBS vetted.
- CLF have a zero-tolerance policy on alcohol, recreational drugs and legal highs for staff and students whilst on academy trips.
- For all adventurous activities undertaken by an independent provider, checks will be undertaken to ensure they have an in date and applicable AALA licence and Learning Outside the Classroom Badge.
Please refer to the Academy Trips Procedure for further advice and guidance
25. Academy Transport / Minibus
- Where staff and authorised volunteers are required to drive as part of their job, they must ensure that they have read and adhere to the Academy policy and minibus guidance document CLF Minibus Guidance v8 2021.docx.
- The academy will have a booking procedure for the use of the minibus, and a system where keys are signed in and out.
- Driving at work policy (Draft policy is currently being ratified) TBC
- If hiring a coach for the offsite trip/activity, the approved list within Evolve will be used, as operator licences have been checked. If using a company not on the approved list the Health and Safety team must be contacted.
- Checks are carried out on an annual basis by the Operations Manager that all drivers, hold a current and valid driver’s licence, have undertaken MIDAS training, hold appropriate business insurance and an MOT where relevant.
- If transporting students in own vehicles, the above licence, MOT checks will take place and the driving students in own vehicles risk assessment will be implemented and adapted accordingly.
Please refer to the Minibus guidance document for further advice and guidance
- The Academy is a non-smoking site and there is a no smoking / no vaping policy.
- No smoking signs are displayed by the gates (should be at the entrance to buildings)
Staff Consultation
- The Academy Council, through the principal, will make arrangements for full and proper consultation with employees on health and safety matters.
- There is no requirement to have a union health and safety representative at the school. If a person wishes to represent staff and become the union appointed safety rep, they should have been employed by the Academy for the preceding two years or have enough experience in similar employment. The Safety Representative and Safety Committees Regulations 1977, as amended, has detailed information on what the law requires employers to undertake when consulting staff on health and safety matters.
- Where workplace stress arises, the principal in consultation with the HR, will deal with the issue in a sensitive and constructive manner using reasonable means to manage stress and assist staff.
- The Academy will encompass the HSE Management Standards for work related stress in demonstrating good practice through a step-by-step risk assessment approach.
- If employees are experiencing any problems in relation to stress, they are encouraged to report this to their line manager in the first instance.
- The HR Department, Occupational Health, and an Employee Assistance Programme are available to staff and should be contacted when required.
- A CLF wellbeing website including BLOG is available to all staff via the home navigation page.
- The academy has xx Mental Health first aiders.
Violence to Staff
- The Operations Manager in consultation with the Principal and Councillors are responsible for assessing the risks of violence to staff.
- Everybody has a personal responsibility to report accidents of ALL types.
- Staff must report incidents of violence and aggression to the principal and record them on the accident reporting system available from CLF home navigation page
- Appropriate steps will be taken by the principal to deal with such a situation.
- The Academy may refer to their legal department for any incidents of violence and aggression to staff from parents. A letter may be sent to any violent or aggressive person informing them of the academies position and any arrangements for sanctions or exclusions.
Water Hygiene
- A copy of the Legionella risk assessment is located in the Kimera Water Treatment Logbook.
- Justin Underhill is employed to carry out many of the requirements of water testing under L8 guidance.
- Justin Underhill carries out weekly flushing and temperature recording and other required checks.
- A copy of the Legionella Management Policy can be found CLF Legionella Management Policy Updated May 2022.pdf
Working at Height
- Activities which require work at height should be identified and eliminated where possible.
- Where it is not possible to eliminate work at height, all reasonable steps should be taken to reduce the risk to as low as possible.
- Risk assessments prior to commencement of any working at height activity will be undertaken. It is the responsibility of Justin Underhill, Kelly Spencer and Richard Palmer to ensure this takes place.
- Academies should have access to kick stools, small steps, hop ups or ladders.
- Only ladders which meet the current standard- BS EN131 will be used, the use of domestic ladders is not permitted.
- Premises staff carry out regular inspections or the ladders and records these checks either on a ladder tag or register.
- Staff should only use the equipment they are trained to use, unless it is low level kick stools or steps and that they wear the correct clothing and footwear
- Students are / are not permitted to use access equipment. Information, instruction and supervision will be provided to specific student’s that may use access equipment for Academy related activities e.g., drama production.
- Contractors are expected to provide their own equipment and will not be permitted to use the academies equipment.
Work Equipment
- All work equipment used on the premises should be fully inspected upon installation.
- All work equipment should undergo an annual recorded maintenance and service inspection by a competent person.
- Records should be kept and made available for annual maintenance and servicing regimes.
- Staff, technicians and premises teams are responsible for carrying out pre-use visual check of the equipment within their department, which should be recorded.
- Employees must not provide their own equipment.
- Heads of departments and line managers must ensure that any such equipment within the department is used appropriately, and training or refresher training should be provided if required by the user.
- Heads of Department and line managers are responsible for ensuring a suitable and sufficient risk assessment has been carried out prior to the use of such equipment. Examples of work equipment are site staff power tools, D & T machinery and tools, access equipment, lifting equipment, heavy plant equipment, kiln, etc.
- Personal Protective Equipment must be provided free of charge if required and maintained regularly.
Work Experience Pupils
A nominated person in conjunction with the appointed external organisation will provide guidance on student work experience placement. The member of staff organising the work placement in conjunction with the workplace provider will carry out the initial placement risk assessment for the young person. The appointed organisation will ensure all suitable and relevant checks are undertaken on the work experience provider. A Health and safety induction to work experience students is expected to be undertaken by the placement employer.
For work experience placements at the Academy the students will be monitored / supervised by the class teacher, support staff they are assigned to and liaise, if necessary, with the nominated person.
- The pond is in an enclosed area.
- The pond is fenced, and access is restricted.
- Gates to the pond will be locked during Academy hours and access gained by authorised persons only.
- Information and instruction is given to students on the rules of being around the pond.
- Student’s will only be allowed access with an adult to supervise.
- Warning signs are displayed.
- Student’s/ staff and volunteers who have worked in/near the pond are required to wash their hands on leaving the pond
Workplace Inspections and Premises Risks
The Operations Manager, Premises team, H&S Councillor and students will undertake regular (minimum three times a year) safety inspections of the workplace to identify hazards and unsafe situations and take appropriate remedial action. The Operations Manager will ensure that hazards associated with premises are monitored and controlled.
A named Health and Safety Councillor will be involved / undertake inspections on a termly basis (three times per year) and jointly report back to the Health & Safety Committee with a written report.
- Suitable bins for the collection of waste will be provided in strategic positions throughout the academy. Bins will be adequate to prevent the overfilling of waste. Waste containers will be emptied regularly and removed by either cleaning staff or premises staff.
- There are segregated waste areas which are secure from vandalism. These are located by the kitchen delivery entrance.
- An authorised person or member of the premises team will be supplied with any personal protective equipment necessary for the safe handling of waste materials.
- Suitable arrangements will be made for the disposal of hazardous waste that is generated as a by-product or activity. Arrangements for the removal of hazardous waste, including the disposal of chemicals, will be made in association with the Waste Regulation Authority or a competent and licensed contractor.
- Waste is collected by Bristol Waste
Health and Safety Committees
The health and safety committee is a stand-alone committee. The committee meets a minimum of three times per year and focuses on pulling together all the separate areas and systems for health and safety management.
The health and safety committee has agreed terms of reference for its rules and responsibilities. The Safety Committee may include: –
Health and Safety Councillor
Operations Managers
Member of central Health and Safety Team Premises Manager
Trade Union Staff (if applicable)
The standard agenda items for a Academy health and safety committee meetings is:-
- Any accidents of note since the last meeting, how many accidents in total and are there any trends.
- Are there any building works/modifications planned and what are the Health and Safety implications of this project? Has all the necessary paperwork been completed?
- From the Pre-Qualification questionnaires to the design phase risk assessments; to risk assessments method statements for the job itself and selection of project manager.
- Is the job notifiable under Construction Design Management Regulations 2007, if so had a CDM Coordinator been appointed etc.?
- Asbestos update
- Feedback from high-risk departments
- Risk assessment progress and review
- Review of Risk Register relating to Health & Safety
- Training needs
- First Aid provision / qualifications etc.
- Any Academy trips taking place and has this been assessed and authorised
- Inspection findings and required actions.
- Findings of any compliance issues reported
The academies compliance arrangements are managed by the Facilities manager in conjunction with the Premises manager.
A compliance contract has been awarded to BAM
There are internal compliance checks e.g., fire call points/ emergency lighting/ water temperature and flushing are undertaken by the premises team.
External compliance checks e.g., boiler servicing and maintenance/ 3-hour power down of emergency lighting/ Lightning conductor tests are undertaken by the CLF compliance contractor and records maintained.
Our independent contractors for playground equipment, gym equipment checks and inspections are ROSPA and Stay Safe
Health and Safety Training
- Health and safety training is managed, recorded and assessed by the Operations Manager / Head of Department.
- All staff will receive a suitable induction covering academy arrangements and if applicable for the department they work in e.g. Art/ DT/ Science etc
- The academy recognises that while many people will already be aware of risks around their academy, effective training will always help reinforce a positive health and safety culture.
- Training requirements may have been identified by risk assessments, audits, staff appraisals and increased roles and responsibilities of staff.
- Records of training are recorded on the SCR by the Operations Manager and any certificates awarded are stored on the individual’s personal files.
- Recording when staff and Councillors have completed relevant training, assists the Operations Manager to complete the training needs analysis to ensure everyone has competent knowledge to address effective safety practices and achieve a continual personal responsibility for safety, this should be reviewed annually.
- Most H&S training requires refresher training every three years. However, there are some modules that require refresher training every five years e.g. PASMA, DATA, Radioactive sources, Pressure vessels (delete as applicable)
- All staff have to undertake mandatory training on nimble. The frequency of training will be in line with CLF expectations. This being H&S essentials annually, Fire Awareness training every three years.
- Depending on what role is undertaken in your academy, individuals will require H&S training specific to their roles and this is determined by using the training matrix.