We have a uniform that all children are required to wear every day, which is available either from Price and Buckland, if you would like clothing with logos, or from high street shops with no school logo. Our colours are navy blue, black/grey and white and the uniform is as follows:
- School navy blue sweatshirt/hoodie/cardigan (plain or with school logo)
- White polo T shirt or shirt (plain or with school logo)
- Grey/black trousers, smart shorts, pinafore or skirt (blue gingham dresses can be worn in appropriate weather)
- Plain black flat shoes or boots – these can be trainers but they must be plain black
- Long hair must be tied back
- Children may wear a wrist watch but will be asked to remove it if it is a distraction. Children are not allowed to wear smart watches for safeguarding reasons.
- Children with pierced ears may wear up to one pair of small studs preferably not to be worn on PE days
- Outdoor coats – warm and waterproof in winter and rain proof in warmer months
For PE all children need:
- Plain white PE t-shirt
- A PE bag
- Black PE shorts
- Trainers or slip on daps/plimsolls for outdoor P.E.
- In winter months black or navy jogging bottoms & sweatshirt
Please ensure all items are labelled with your child’s name and check regularly that this has not washed off.
Adults in school will encourage children to be in full uniform and represent their school with pride.